Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Navigating Genres

Navigating Genres

            Well, I did not enjoy reading this paper at all.  It was extremely boring.  I actually fell asleep 3 times reading it.  I felt like the writer just kept rambling on and on about genres and it wasn’t really going anywhere.  I feel like this entire paper could have been shortened down to about a page or two at most, and I would have been able to understand it/ enjoy it a little more.  As I was reading, I was able to find out what a genre was, and then I would get completely lost as I kept reading.  In the part where the author writes about the genre of writing a ransom note, he goes into way too much detail of explaining it.  Then he goes into talking about rhetoric for the specifics of the ransom note.  Instead of just getting to his point, he blabs on about nothing.  He gives too many examples for everything he is trying to explain.  It gets annoying for me.

            This author also seems like he was trying to upset me as a reader.  He even said so towards the end.  He states “Chances are that I have left you more confused than you were before you began this essay.  Actually, I hope that I have left you frustrated.”  He absolutely did.  To me, a good time does not include reading.  I despise having to read or write papers, and this just made me even more upset than I was to begin with.  I can tell you that I will not retain anything from this reading in the future that I didn’t already know.  I was concentrating more on the fact that I was annoyed more than what the author was trying to get across to me.  I really hope that the future readings for this class are at least interesting and not annoying to read.


  1. Rodriguez,

    I really dig and admire the pride you have for Long Beach. I feel the same way about Philadelphia.

    It’s a shame you absolutely hated “Navigating Genres.” Most students that I’ve worked with absolutely love it—but that doesn’t mean you have to, and I’m glad that you’re willing to be honest. Hang in there; I hope you won’t find all the reading this course to be “annoying.” I do think, though, that you need to realize that you *have to* read to succeed in this course, so it might help you to try to go in with a positive attitude.


  2. This essay was difficult for me to read too. If I'm not interested in what the topic is about than it's hard for me to concentrate on reading. When I read this I had to stop about half way through to get up and do something than come back to it later that night. It also caught me off guard at the end too when the writer claimed we should be confused and frustrated. I thought the whole point of writing a piece like this is to be clear in teaching your readers what it is that you’re talking about. Also I thought most writers would try not to frustrated their readers because we will stop reading their work if we are unhappy with it. But I’m not a writer so I guess I can’t speak too much about that. I wish it was shortened too but that has to do with the fact that I don’t like to read uninteresting stuff.
